The Legality of Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters, knucks, or knuckle busters, have a long and controversial history. These small, metal devices are designed to be worn around the knuckles and are typically used for self-defense or as offensive weapons. However, despite their intriguing history and the allure they hold for collectors and enthusiasts, brass knuckles are illegal in many parts of the world. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the prohibition of brass knuckles, with a focus on the United States, where the legality of these devices varies widely from state to state.

why are brass knuckles illegal
Image by Freepik

Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles are a type of hand weapon characterized by a design that allows a person to insert their fingers through holes, typically four, and grip the weapon firmly. This configuration gives the user added force and leverage when delivering punches, making them more effective in combat situations. The name “brass knuckles” is derived from the material traditionally used to construct them – brass – although modern variations can be made from other metals or materials.

Brass knuckles come in various shapes and sizes, but the underlying principle remains the same: enhancing the user’s ability to strike with greater impact. Despite their simple design, brass knuckles have been the subject of debate for years, leading to restrictions and bans in many regions across the globe.

Why Brass Knuckles Are Illegal

  1. Potential for Severe Injury

One of the primary reasons for the illegality of brass knuckles is their potential for causing severe injury. Brass knuckles are designed to concentrate force onto a small area, making them highly effective in inflicting damage. When used in a physical altercation, they can lead to broken bones, facial injuries, and, in some cases, fatal outcomes. This heightened potential for harm raises concerns about public safety, which has led to legislative restrictions in many countries.

  1. Concealability

Another reason behind the ban on brass knuckles is their ease of concealment. Their compact size and shape make them easy to hide in a pocket, bag, or clothing, allowing individuals to carry them without detection. This concealability raises concerns regarding the potential misuse of brass knuckles in criminal activities, such as muggings or assaults. Laws aim to prevent the discreet carry of such dangerous weapons.

  1. Criminal and Offensive Use

Brass knuckles, while designed for self-defense, have a history of being used offensively. Their use in street fights, assaults, and criminal activities has contributed to their negative reputation. This association with illegal and harmful behavior has prompted lawmakers to regulate and, in some cases, outright ban brass knuckles to curb their misuse.

Legality in the United States

In the United States, the legality of brass knuckles is a complex and contentious issue. While federal law does not explicitly regulate brass knuckles, their legality varies from state to state, resulting in a patchwork of regulations. Some states permit the possession and use of brass knuckles, while others ban them outright or restrict their use.

States Where Brass Knuckles Are Legal

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there were several states in which brass knuckles are legal without restrictions. These states include:

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. California (with certain restrictions)
  6. Colorado
  7. Florida (with certain restrictions)
  8. Georgia
  9. Idaho
  10. Indiana
  11. Iowa
  12. Kansas
  13. Kentucky
  14. Louisiana
  15. Maryland
  16. Michigan
  17. Mississippi
  18. Missouri
  19. Montana
  20. Nebraska
  21. Nevada
  22. New Mexico
  23. North Carolina
  24. North Dakota
  25. Ohio
  26. Oklahoma
  27. Oregon
  28. Pennsylvania
  29. South Carolina
  30. South Dakota
  31. Tennessee
  32. Texas
  33. Utah
  34. Virginia
  35. Washington
  36. West Virginia
  37. Wisconsin
  38. Wyoming

It’s essential to note that even in states where brass knuckles are legal, there may be specific restrictions. For example, some states may prohibit concealed carry, and others may only allow them as collectibles or novelty items, not for use as weapons.

States Where Brass Knuckles Are Illegal

Conversely, there are states where brass knuckles are explicitly illegal. These states include:

  1. California (with certain restrictions)
  2. Connecticut
  3. Delaware
  4. Illinois
  5. Massachusetts
  6. New Jersey
  7. New York
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Washington, D.C.

In these states, possessing, manufacturing, or carrying brass knuckles can result in criminal charges, including fines and imprisonment. Additionally, the specific regulations and penalties can vary from state to state.

States with Restrictions

Some states impose restrictions on the possession and use of brass knuckles. For instance, California allows the ownership of brass knuckles but prohibits carrying them concealed. Furthermore, some states only permit the possession of brass knuckles as collectibles or decorative items, precluding their use as weapons.

The complex legal landscape of brass knuckles in the United States highlights the need for individuals to be aware of their local laws and regulations to avoid unintentional violations.

The Future of Brass Knuckles Legislation

While the legality of brass knuckles in the United States has remained largely unchanged for many years, legislative developments can occur over time. Given the potential for harm and the varying perspectives on their regulation, it is possible that more states will reconsider their stance on brass knuckles in the future. Lawmakers may introduce new bills or amend existing laws to address the concerns surrounding these weapons.


The legality of brass knuckles is a topic that raises questions about self-defense, public safety, and individual rights. While the bans and restrictions on brass knuckles in many parts of the world are primarily motivated by concerns over their potential for severe injury, their use in criminal activities, and their ease of concealment, the situation in the United States is more nuanced. With varying regulations from state to state, it is essential for individuals to be aware of and adhere to their local laws and regulations regarding brass knuckles.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the status of brass knuckles’ legality in the United States is subject to change, making it crucial for individuals to stay informed and advocate for responsible use and regulation of these potentially dangerous weapons. The future of brass knuckles legislation may hold surprises, but it is clear that the debate over their legality will persist, balancing individual rights with public safety concerns.