The Titanium-Aluminum Blend in the Latest iPhone

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and one brand that never fails to captivate our attention with innovative designs and materials is Apple. The release of the latest iPhone always comes with a sense of anticipation and excitement, not only for its new features but also for the materials used in its construction. With the recent unveiling of the new iPhone, questions have arisen about the use of titanium in its chassis. In this article, we will delve into the intricate details of the new iPhone’s construction to determine just how much titanium is used, providing an in-depth analysis of the materials and their significance.

how much titanium is in the new iphone
Image by vecstocka on Freepik

A Glimpse Inside the iPhone Chassis

To answer the question of how much titanium is in the new iPhone, we need to embark on a journey into the intricate design of this technological marvel. The new iPhone’s chassis is a pivotal component that houses and protects the internal electronics, while also contributing to its aesthetics and durability.

A Dismantling Revelation

One of the first glimpses into the iPhone’s chassis composition comes from an unexpected source: a YouTuber’s teardown video. In a mesmerizing display of technical prowess, the YouTuber meticulously dissects the iPhone, revealing its inner secrets. After removing the front glass and dozens of tiny screws, the true composition of the chassis comes into focus.

Titanium and Aluminum: An Unlikely Partnership

The revelation is striking: Apple has employed a dual-material approach to construct the iPhone chassis. The exterior of the chassis is layered with a thin sheet of titanium, while the interior is predominantly composed of aluminum. This unique combination of materials raises the question of why Apple opted for such a complex construction and how much titanium is actually used.

Understanding Titanium’s Role

Before we can accurately quantify the titanium content in the new iPhone, it’s essential to understand the purpose of using titanium in its construction. Titanium is known for its remarkable properties, including high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistance, and an appealing aesthetic finish. When applied to a device like the iPhone, it can enhance durability, reduce weight, and provide a premium look and feel.

The Titanium Overlay

The most intriguing aspect of the new iPhone’s construction is the titanium overlay. The YouTuber’s video provides a cross-sectional view of the chassis, revealing that the titanium layer is approximately 1mm thick. This layer serves as the outer shell, giving the device its sleek, polished appearance.

Aluminum: The Structural Core

Beneath the titanium layer, the primary structural material of the chassis is aluminum. This choice is no coincidence, as aluminum is well-regarded for its lightweight and durable properties. It also serves as an excellent conductor for heat dissipation, crucial for maintaining the iPhone’s thermal performance.

Why the Titanium Overlay?

The use of titanium as an outer shell serves several critical purposes. First, it offers an extra layer of protection, ensuring that the iPhone can withstand accidental drops and impacts without compromising its internal components. Second, it adds to the device’s premium feel and appearance, appealing to Apple’s design-conscious customer base.

Weight Reduction and Durability

While the titanium overlay adds a touch of luxury, it also contributes to the iPhone’s overall durability without adding significant weight. Titanium is exceptionally strong, and its use in the chassis helps prevent dents, scratches, and other forms of external damage. This, in turn, enhances the device’s longevity, which is crucial for a product with a premium price tag.

Corrosion Resistance

Another vital aspect of titanium is its corrosion resistance. By using titanium as the outermost layer, Apple ensures that the iPhone remains resistant to the elements. This is particularly important in regions with high humidity or where the device may be exposed to moisture, as it prevents rust and other forms of corrosion.

Enhancing Antenna Performance

One lesser-known benefit of using titanium is its ability to enhance antenna performance. Titanium’s low electrical resistance and high radio frequency transparency make it an ideal material for ensuring strong cellular and Wi-Fi signal reception in the iPhone.

The Role of Aluminum in the iPhone Chassis

While titanium takes the spotlight for its external features and luxurious appeal, it’s essential not to overlook the significance of aluminum in the iPhone’s construction. Aluminum plays a pivotal role as the chassis’s structural core, providing several benefits that contribute to the iPhone’s overall functionality.

Lightweight Construction

One of the most significant advantages of using aluminum is its lightweight nature. Aluminum is about one-third the weight of steel, making it an ideal choice for a device that users carry with them daily. The lightweight construction enhances the iPhone’s portability and comfort.

Excellent Thermal Conductivity

Aluminum’s impressive thermal conductivity is a critical factor in maintaining the iPhone’s temperature under heavy use. The device’s internal components generate heat, and efficient heat dissipation is essential to prevent overheating and performance degradation. Aluminum, with its ability to conduct heat away from the internals, plays a crucial role in keeping the device cool.


Apple has been a pioneer in promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. Aluminum is a highly recyclable material, and its use in the iPhone chassis aligns with Apple’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint. Recycled aluminum reduces the need for mining and the associated environmental impact.

Cost-Effective Manufacturing

While titanium is an exceptional material with a high cost associated with its production and processing, aluminum is more cost-effective. By using aluminum as the primary structural material, Apple can control manufacturing costs and offer a more competitively priced product to its customers.

The Blend of Materials: An Engineering Triumph

The careful integration of both titanium and aluminum in the iPhone chassis represents a remarkable engineering achievement. This hybrid approach takes the best of both materials to create a device that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also strong, lightweight, and functional.

Quantifying the Titanium Content

Now that we have explored the significance of titanium and aluminum in the iPhone’s construction, it’s time to address the question at the core of this article: how much titanium is in the new iPhone? To accurately determine the titanium content, we must consider several key factors.

Surface Area and Thickness

The primary consideration in estimating the amount of titanium used in the iPhone is the surface area of the chassis that is covered by the titanium overlay. As previously mentioned, the titanium layer is approximately 1mm thick. To calculate the surface area, we need to take into account the shape and dimensions of the iPhone.

iPhone Model Variations

It’s important to note that the new iPhone comes in various models, each with slightly different dimensions. The titanium overlay will vary in surface area depending on the model. To provide a comprehensive estimate, we will consider the most common iPhone model, but it’s crucial to understand that variations exist.

Surface Area Calculation

The surface area of the iPhone’s chassis can be estimated using basic geometric shapes. The iPhone’s chassis can be approximated as a rectangular prism with the front face covered by the titanium overlay. The front face, in this case, is the main area where the titanium layer is applied. The dimensions of the iPhone’s front face and the thickness of the titanium overlay provide the necessary data to calculate the surface area.

As an example, let’s consider the dimensions of a common iPhone model:

  • Length (L): Approximately 5.78 inches (147 mm)
  • Width (W): Approximately 2.82 inches (71.5 mm)
  • Thickness of Titanium Layer (T): Approximately 0.04 inches (1 mm)

Now, we can calculate the surface area (A) of the front face, which is covered by the titanium overlay:

A = L x W = 147 mm x 71.5 mm = 10,540.5 mm²

To find the surface area of the titanium overlay, we need to consider the thickness (T):

A_titanium = A x T = 10,540.5 mm² x 1 mm = 10,540.5 mm³

Converting to cm² for convenience:

A_titanium = 105.405 cm²

Now, we have the surface area covered by the titanium overlay. To determine the volume of titanium used, we must consider the entire chassis’s shape.

Volume of Titanium

The iPhone’s chassis can be likened to a rectangular prism with the titanium overlay on its front face. To find the volume of the titanium overlay, we need to calculate the volume of this shape.

Volume (V) = A_titanium x H


  • A_titanium is the surface area of the titanium overlay (105.405 cm²)
  • H is the thickness of the chassis (the distance from the front face to the rear face, not covered by titanium)

The thickness of the chassis can vary between models, but for the sake of estimation, we will assume a typical value of 7.7 mm (0.77 cm).

V = 105.405 cm² x 0.77 cm ≈ 81.08 cm³

Converting to mL (1 cm³ = 1 mL):

V ≈ 81.08 mL

To determine the weight of this volume of titanium, we need to know the density of titanium.

Density of Titanium

The density of titanium is approximately 4.506 g/cm³.

Weight of Titanium

To find the weight of the titanium used in the iPhone chassis, we’ll multiply the volume (81.08 mL) by the density (4.506 g/cm³):

Weight = Volume x Density Weight = 81.08 mL x 4.506 g/cm³ ≈ 365.16 g

Converting to kilograms (1 kg = 1000 g):

Weight ≈ 0.36516 kg

So, for a common iPhone model with the dimensions mentioned earlier, it’s estimated that approximately 0.36516 kilograms (365.16 grams) of titanium is used in the chassis.

Variations in Titanium Content

It’s important to emphasize that this is a simplified estimation and that variations exist among iPhone models and manufacturing processes. The actual titanium content may vary slightly from this estimate. Apple may also use different thicknesses of titanium overlay in certain models, which would affect the calculation.

The Significance of the Titanium Content

Now that we have a rough estimate of the titanium content in the new iPhone, it’s worth considering the significance of this amount. A few key points can help put this figure into perspective:

  1. Durability and Luxury: The presence of approximately 0.36516 kilograms of titanium in the iPhone chassis signifies Apple’s commitment to providing a durable and luxurious product. This titanium overlay not only enhances the device’s longevity but also adds to its premium aesthetics.
  2. Engineering Marvel: The meticulous integration of titanium and aluminum in the iPhone chassis showcases Apple’s engineering prowess. This combination of materials offers an optimal balance between strength, weight, and functionality.
  3. Premium Pricing: The premium nature of the new iPhone is reflected in its materials. The use of titanium contributes to its higher cost, which is justified by the device’s advanced features and construction.
  4. Environmental Responsibility: While titanium is a valuable and relatively expensive material, Apple’s use of aluminum as the primary structural component reflects its commitment to sustainability. Recycled aluminum reduces the environmental impact associated with manufacturing.


In answering the question of how much titanium is in the new iPhone, we’ve explored the complex and innovative construction of Apple’s latest device. The titanium overlay, coupled with aluminum’s structural core, creates a balance of strength, weight, and aesthetics that defines the iPhone’s premium quality.

While our estimation suggests that approximately 0.36516 kilograms of titanium are used in the chassis of a common iPhone model, it’s important to recognize that variations exist among different models. The significance of this titanium content lies in its contributions to durability, luxury, and the overall engineering excellence of the iPhone.

The new iPhone, with its unique blend of materials, continues to push the boundaries of what a smartphone can be. As technology evolves, it’s fascinating to witness the integration of materials like titanium that not only enhance the functionality and longevity of the device but also elevate the user experience to new heights.