The Durability of Gold-Plated Jewelry

Gold-plated jewelry has been a popular choice for those who want the allure of gold without the hefty price tag. Its affordability and lustrous appearance make it a favorite among fashion enthusiasts. However, one common question that arises in the minds of potential buyers is, “How long does gold-plated jewelry last?” The answer to this question is not as straightforward as one might think. Gold-plated jewelry can last varying durations, from six months to a few years, depending on a variety of factors. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of gold-plated jewelry, exploring its composition, durability, and response to environmental factors, including water exposure.

how long does gold plated jewelry last
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

Does Gold-Plated Jewelry Tarnish in Water?

The interaction between gold-plated jewelry and water is a matter of concern for many. When we expose gold-plated jewelry to water, be it from activities such as washing hands, showering, or swimming, there is a possibility of tarnishing and wear over time. To understand this phenomenon better, we need to consider the composition of gold-plated jewelry.

Composition of Gold-Plated Jewelry

Gold-plated jewelry is made by covering a base metal, often brass or silver, with a thin layer of gold. The gold layer is created through a process called electroplating, where a layer of gold is deposited onto the base metal. This process enhances the aesthetic appeal and value of the jewelry piece while keeping costs down compared to solid gold jewelry.

However, it’s important to note that the thickness of the gold layer on gold-plated jewelry can vary significantly. The thickness is typically measured in microns, and the higher the micron count, the more durable the plating. Some gold-plated jewelry may have a thin layer of gold, which makes it more prone to tarnishing and wear, especially in harsh conditions like exposure to water.

Factors That Affect Tarnishing in Water

Several factors contribute to the tarnishing of gold-plated jewelry when it comes into contact with water:

  1. Gold Plating Thickness: As mentioned earlier, the thickness of the gold layer is a crucial factor. Thicker plating is more resistant to wear and tarnish. Jewelry with a higher micron count is likely to withstand exposure to water better than jewelry with a thinner layer.
  2. Water Quality: The quality of the water that comes into contact with the jewelry matters. Hard water, which contains high mineral content, can accelerate tarnishing due to the minerals reacting with the metal.
  3. Exposure Time: The longer the jewelry is exposed to water, the greater the risk of tarnishing. Short, occasional exposure is less likely to have a significant impact compared to continuous and extended submersion.
  4. Chemicals in Water: Certain chemicals in water, such as chlorine in swimming pools or harsh cleaning agents, can accelerate the wear and tarnishing of gold-plated jewelry.
  5. Body Chemistry: Individual body chemistry can also play a role in how jewelry reacts to water. The acidity or alkalinity of your skin can affect the rate of tarnishing.

Given these factors, it’s important to note that gold-plated jewelry is not meant to be worn continuously, especially in water. To prolong its lifespan and maintain its appearance, it’s advisable to remove gold-plated jewelry before engaging in activities that involve water exposure.

How Long Does Gold-Plated Jewelry Last on Gold?

The lifespan of gold-plated jewelry varies significantly depending on the quality of the plating, care, and the level of exposure to environmental factors. On average, it can last anywhere from six months to two years before the gold plating begins to wear off. Let’s explore these variables in more detail:

  1. Quality of Plating: The primary determinant of how long gold-plated jewelry lasts is the quality of the plating. High-quality gold plating with a thicker layer of gold will naturally last longer. Some jewelry is even triple or quadruple plated to enhance durability.
  2. Frequency of Wear: The more often you wear your gold-plated jewelry, the faster it is likely to wear off. Daily wear, especially with contact against skin, clothing, and other surfaces, can accelerate the deterioration of the gold plating.
  3. Proper Care: How you care for your gold-plated jewelry is crucial. Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend its lifespan. Avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, abrasive materials, and prolonged water contact. When not in use, store your jewelry in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  4. Type of Jewelry: Different types of jewelry experience different levels of wear and tear. For example, rings and bracelets are more likely to come into contact with surfaces and experience more friction, which can lead to faster tarnishing.
  5. Personal Skin Chemistry: As mentioned earlier, the pH and chemistry of your skin can influence the longevity of your gold-plated jewelry. Individuals with higher acidity levels in their skin might experience more tarnishing.

It’s essential to understand that gold-plated jewelry is not meant to be a lifelong investment like solid gold. It is, however, an excellent choice for fashion-forward individuals who want to stay on-trend without breaking the bank.

Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Gold-Plated Jewelry

To maximize the lifespan of your gold-plated jewelry, follow these tips:

  1. Keep it Dry: As water exposure is a common cause of tarnishing, remove your gold-plated jewelry before showering, swimming, or doing dishes.
  2. Store Properly: When you’re not wearing your jewelry, store it in a cool, dry place. Consider using anti-tarnish storage options or jewelry boxes with separate compartments to prevent scratching.
  3. Limit Contact with Skin: Reduce direct contact with skin by choosing jewelry pieces that are less likely to rub against your body. For example, opt for earrings and necklaces rather than rings and bracelets.
  4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Keep your jewelry away from cleaning agents, perfumes, lotions, and other chemicals that can damage the gold plating.
  5. Clean Gently: If your jewelry starts to tarnish, clean it gently with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid abrasive materials and excessive scrubbing.
  6. Rotate Your Jewelry: If you have several pieces of gold-plated jewelry, rotate them to reduce the frequency of wear on any one item.


Gold-plated jewelry is an affordable and stylish choice for those who want to enjoy the look of gold without the high cost. While it may not last as long as solid gold, the lifespan of gold-plated jewelry can be extended with proper care and maintenance. Tarnishing and wear, especially due to water exposure, are common concerns, but by understanding the factors that affect the durability of gold-plated jewelry, you can make informed choices and enjoy your jewelry for an extended period. So, when someone asks, “How long does gold-plated jewelry last?” the answer depends on various factors, but with the right precautions, you can make it last longer and continue to shine.