Bryan’s Stand Against the Gold Standard

William Jennings Bryan, a prominent American politician and orator in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is perhaps best known for his vehement opposition to the gold standard. At the same time, he ardently supported the concept of bimetallism, which involved the use of both gold and silver as the basis for the nation’s currency. This seemingly paradoxical stance is rooted in the economic and political landscape of his time. In this article, we will delve into the historical context, Bryan’s motivations, and the economic rationale behind his dual stance on these monetary policies.

how could william jennings bryan oppose the gold standard and also support bimetallism
Image by Linda Hamilton from Pixabay

I. Historical Context: Late 19th-Century Economic Challenges

To understand Bryan’s opposition to the gold standard and support for bimetallism, it is crucial to grasp the economic challenges of the late 19th century in the United States. This context laid the foundation for his positions.

  1. The Gold Standard and Its Critics

The gold standard was a monetary system in which a nation’s currency was directly tied to a specific quantity of gold, ensuring that a country’s money supply was limited by its gold reserves. Proponents argued that this system provided stability and instilled confidence in the currency. However, critics believed it favored the wealthy and exacerbated economic inequalities.

  1. Bimetallism as an Alternative

Bimetallism, on the other hand, was a system where both gold and silver were used as the basis for a nation’s currency. Advocates of bimetallism contended that it would increase the money supply, potentially stimulating economic growth, and benefiting farmers and debtors.

II. Bryan’s Opposition to the Gold Standard

William Jennings Bryan’s opposition to the gold standard was a central theme of his political career. He framed his opposition through various speeches and campaigns, with the most notable being his “Cross of Gold” speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention.

  1. The “Cross of Gold” Speech

Bryan’s famous speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention crystallized his stance against the gold standard. He declared that, “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.” In this speech, he argued that the gold standard favored the interests of the financial elite at the expense of ordinary Americans, particularly farmers and laborers.

  1. Economic Inequity

Bryan contended that the gold standard led to deflation, reducing the money supply, which harmed debtors and farmers who struggled with falling crop prices and increasing indebtedness. He argued that the gold standard perpetuated a cycle of economic hardship for the majority of Americans, while benefiting the wealthy.

  1. A Tool of the Elite

Bryan’s opposition to the gold standard was driven by his belief that it was a tool of financial elites who controlled the nation’s monetary policy to protect their interests. He saw it as a mechanism to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few.

III. Bryan’s Support for Bimetallism

While Bryan strongly opposed the gold standard, he advocated for bimetallism as an alternative monetary policy. His support for this system was rooted in the belief that it would alleviate the economic hardships caused by the gold standard.

  1. Expanding the Money Supply

Bimetallism, according to Bryan, offered a solution to the problem of deflation and limited money supply under the gold standard. By allowing both gold and silver to be used as currency backing, he argued that the money supply would increase, potentially stimulating economic growth.

  1. Farmers and Debtors

Bryan’s support for bimetallism was closely tied to his concern for the plight of farmers and debtors. He believed that a bimetallic system would provide relief to these groups by increasing the availability of money and making it easier to pay off debts.

  1. Economic Populism

Bryan’s advocacy for bimetallism was part of a broader economic populist movement that sought to address the economic inequalities of the time. He believed that bimetallism was a way to shift economic power away from the elite and towards the working class.

IV. The Political and Economic Impact of Bryan’s Positions

Bryan’s opposition to the gold standard and support for bimetallism had a significant impact on American politics and economics during his time.

  1. The 1896 Presidential Election

The 1896 presidential election became a defining moment for Bryan and his monetary policies. He was the Democratic Party’s nominee, running on a platform that included bimetallism. Although he lost the election to Republican William McKinley, his campaign and advocacy for bimetallism had a lasting influence on the Democratic Party.

  1. Legacy in the Democratic Party

Bryan’s legacy in the Democratic Party was significant. His positions on monetary policy helped shape the party’s economic platform for decades. While the gold standard continued to prevail, Bryan’s influence on the Democratic Party endured, and it would later adopt more progressive economic policies.

  1. Transition to Fiat Currency

Ultimately, the United States transitioned away from the gold standard and bimetallism, moving toward a fiat currency system. This shift occurred in the 20th century, with the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 effectively ending the gold standard. It was a departure from the monetary policies that Bryan had championed.

V. Bryan’s Legacy and Relevance Today

The economic and political landscape of the late 19th century, in which Bryan made his mark, has evolved significantly. However, his opposition to the gold standard and support for bimetallism continue to hold relevance in modern discussions about monetary policy.

  1. Lessons from Bryan’s Populism

Bryan’s advocacy for bimetallism and his populist economic message offer lessons for contemporary debates on economic inequality and the role of monetary policy. The issues he addressed, such as wealth concentration and the impact of monetary policy on ordinary citizens, still resonate with many today.

  1. Ongoing Debates on Monetary Policy

While the gold standard and bimetallism are no longer the dominant issues in monetary policy, debates continue about the role of central banks, inflation targeting, and currency stability. These discussions can be traced back to the fundamental questions about the nature of money that Bryan grappled with in his time.

  1. The Enduring Impact of Bryan’s Rhetoric

Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech remains a powerful example of political oratory. It continues to be studied and referenced in discussions of political communication and persuasion. His impassioned plea for economic justice has left a lasting mark on American political history.


William Jennings Bryan’s opposition to the gold standard and his support for bimetallism were deeply rooted in the economic challenges and inequalities of his time. His positions reflected a broader economic populist movement and a desire to alleviate the hardships faced by farmers and debtors. Although Bryan’s immediate policy goals were not fully realized, his influence on the Democratic Party and the enduring relevance of his economic message demonstrate the lasting impact of his stance on monetary policy. While the gold standard has given way to a fiat currency system, the legacy of Bryan’s passionate advocacy for economic justice and monetary reform lives on in contemporary economic and political discussions.